G’d, Most High, says in the Holy Qur’an:
فَاِنۡۢ بَغَتۡ اِحۡدٰٮهُمَا عَلَى الۡاُخۡرٰى فَقَاتِلُوا الَّتِىۡ تَبۡغِىۡ حَتّٰى تَفِىۡٓءَ اِلٰٓى اَمۡرِ اللّٰهِ
“…And if one party from them aggresses against the other, then fight you all against the one who aggresses until they return to the order of G’d.”
Troubles in our world reach all of us no matter where those troubles are occurring. A problem does not have to take place in our immediate neighborhood or in the city or town where we live for us to understand its seriousness and impact. The world now is one community on this earth, one global neighborhood, and we register in our souls—in both our rational and emotional makeup, what our neighbors from all across the globe are experiencing.
A nation with a mighty military flexing its muscles, threatening the security of its neighbors, then aggressing against them without necessity or provocation, and for no just cause, is worthy of an immediate and principled, universal and absolute condemnation. We Muslim-Americans enlist our voices in support of all who stand on the side of what is clearly right, the side of Truth and Justice, and against what is clearly wrong.
Any people having been victimized by an intimidating bully, and then by G’d’s Mercy and Help prevailed over it, have working for them the knowledge of their own inherent worth and the powerful use of their own nature-based human excellence as designed by G’d. That knowledge is a powerful weapon of defense, and those who wield it must be foremost in bearing witness to changes of climate in the world that favor or disfavor human life, and conditions which support or threaten human life as G’d intended. Therefore, and without hesitance or equivocation, Muslim-Americans must condemn all acts of aggression, and defend innocence. This is understood by all awake and dutiful Muslims to be of G’d’s Sacred Commands.
The military invasion and aggression against the people of Ukraine by the Russian leader and military is a bold violation of the global principles and international laws which uphold peace in our world. The violation is not unclear. It is blatant and brazen. For nations or individuals to consciously ignore it or set it aside, or attempt to debate its details without plans for just action against an aggressor, is a moral corruption. Muslim-Americans in the following of Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s tradition stand with the President of the United States in strongly condemning this Russian military aggression against the people of Ukraine and its chosen and elected leadership.
Humbly, we offer the opinion that the international world must respond firmly with a singular and just determination against aggressors, and likewise international Muslim leadership must speak resolutely to the universal principles of peace in just society that have been violated. The order of G’d is the order of Justice and Peace. We are praying to G’d to increase the strength of the Ukrainian people that they may endure and prevail in this fight against wrong, and that a courageous and just conscience rise up in world leaders to not delay unnecessarily in responsibly checking by all morally cognizable and actionable means, the reckless hands of war makers.
— Imam Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed