Islamic Sentiments, the Qur’an, Muhammed the Prophet, and the Guided Tradition of Imam W Deen Mohammed

Praise be to Allah. We seek His Protection. We seek His Help. We seek His Forgiveness. We believe in Him. He cares for all of His Creation. His Standard over all He has created is Mercy. He has designated man to be the special beneficiary of His Mercy, with its related benefits and redemptive characteristics -always close at hand and never exhausted. Human life progresses toward fulfillment, contentment, and satisfaction -Peace, because of Allah’s Mercy. No matter the scheme, none can withhold Allah’s Mercy from whomever He intends to have it.

Allah Permits man in his community aspirations to acquire and apply a natural license to defend against any assault against innocence. This license is a Divine Authorization to defend innocence. It is contained within a category of His Mercy whereupon human communities earn merits and establish themselves in higher and higher degrees of honor. He Guides and tests human communities, and individuals in community, so as to provide an opportunity for them to distinguish who among them are best at obeying the rule of correct thinking and conduct, and thus best qualified to lead mankind to the Destiny of Reward.

By way of our obedience and devotion He Promises us an enduring success over all the schemes of untruth, to identify their inherent weaknesses -their intended short and long reaches, and to thoroughly defeat them. We are grateful to Allah. We are ever-turning to Him. We trust in Him. He is for us the tongue with which we speak and the hands with which we act. All of the praise is due to Him, and for Him is His Creation and the Absolute Command over it. He has in His Knowledge the answer to every question, the solution to every problem, and the purpose determined for every life-form. None can escape His Plan, His Vision, nor His Justice.

“Severe punishment is reserved for the slanderers…” -so says G-d, Almighty in His Book. This is Islamic teaching. This is the Qur’an. This is Muhammed the Prophet. This is the moral foundation of the Guided Tradition of W. Deen Mohammed, son of Elijah (Poole) and Clara (Evans) Mohammed.

The condition of the world is such that we cannot always avoid the transgressions of bullies. In the face of threats couched by lies our faith requires of us strength and sincerity. Faith disqualifies cowardice. To not directly address acts against innocence is cowardice and sinfulness. Our faith tradition is supported by innocent spiritual disciplines, but it also protected by flesh and blood commitment. We are no ghost bodies and those who seek to incite discord with words so as to aggress against our dignity are found in the moral court to be guilty as sin.

When assailed by liars and aggressors, Prophet Muhammed responded with the authority of Allah’s Guidance and in the measure to achieve Victory. Facing the transgressors he was patient and forthright, decent and firm. He was a man supported by men and women of determination and courage. He responded to the aggressions of the Quraish and the slanders of Musailimah the Liar with the exacting force and principles of Truth. He defended human dignity with the Sacred Word, and set for all times and places the universal behavioral standard for a depth of resilience and the limits of tolerance.

By never intending or acting wrongly, he is our model for addressing wrongdoing and the behavior of wrongdoers with a just hand. He established with that commitment the principle that Muslims can never excuse themselves from the fight in defense of innocence. In this regard it is reported that he said, “It is more acceptable to let a guilty party go unpunished than to punish an innocent soul.”

The Moral Obligation to Oppose Oppression

With the moral tradition championed by Islam supporting me, it is my interest with this statement to expose deceptions for what they are and to set the record straight. It is not expected that this statement will satisfy an ‘illegitimate order’ or its blinded, emotional following -so this is not intended for them. It is intended for those who have been victimized by the deceptions of that ‘order’ and for those who desire to ascertain the truth. It is intended as an effort to aid in the protection of the integrity of our Muslim African-American community history for accuracy, and to provide public evidence that our community did not accept this ‘illegitimate order’ in this time as our leadership. It is to say openly that though this ‘order’ may claim the attention of a majority, that ‘attention’ does not garner clear-minded support, and that an Islamically-focused and principled voice of opposition did not accept or support their tactics, their objectives, or their legitimacy. It is to say that continuation or ‘succession’ of leadership is an Islamic moral principle upheld by the best sources in Islamic knowledge and put in clear focus by the late leader of our community Imam W. Deen Mohammed.

A flyer advertising the 2023 Community Development And Leadership Conference sponsored by the Conveners of Imams. The flyer extends and open invitation to various persons in the Community of Imam W. Deen Mohammed.

Most importantly, this statement is offered so as to reveal a determination in the soul: that a viable People of Faith heard and heeded the counsel of our special leaders of the past to never abandon the demand on us to struggle and seek to prevail against schemes to destroy us; but to prevail with the awareness that G-d must accept your struggle and He must approve your methods as in the stipulations and requirements of a Sacred Covenant. Obedience to the requirements of that Covenant by that People define their claim to be ’special’ or ‘chosen’ or ‘favored.’

Therefore, it is of the moral obligation to G-d and Truth known in the soul of every Believer that requires me to respond to the recent public notice addressing me from the ‘Conveners of Imams.’ It was written and presented, with the endorsement of an illegitimate leadership order, to justify barring my participation from a meeting inviting ‘All Imams…’ in the planning of community life for those identifying in Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s following.

My use of the label ‘illegitimate’ is not to inflame or to be unjust. It is to accurately characterize that order’s true association with Imam W. Deen Mohammed. They do not represent him or his following. No matter the number of conferences they schedule to legitimize their claims to him and his People, or the manifestations of their advanced skills to deceive innocent ones to support their artifice, they will never represent him or his following. Their tactics and methods void their legitimacy. It is fact of history that this same ‘illegitimate order’ in earlier form burdened the Honorable Elijah Mohammed, forcing him to proclaim in 1972 on the cover of Muhammad Speaks Newspaper that “Temple #2 is Full of Hypocrites.”

7 November 1976, Chicago, IL — “He Will Cause the Beast to Speak”

6 May 2001, Riverside Park, NY — CPC Conference

The young Wallace D. Mohammed became aware of their schemes early in his life, and in the earliest days of his leadership he exposed them as “sissies” and later in the years of his leadership, as “slave-makers.” He warned his following against them for decades and separated himself from them officially and permanently in 2003. (It is public record that he asked me to announce that separation to his following.) In that moment in 2003 I also distanced and disassociated myself from this illegitimate order, but Imam Mohammed had warned me long before that to NEVER put myself under their authority.

A New York Times headline announcing Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s resignation from the American Society of Muslims and its leadership apparatus.

His reasoning to me in 1990 was “…because you belong to me.” It is a well-known and verifiable fact that all of the top leaders knew who Imam W. Deen Mohammed favored and treated with special recognition and hope for future leadership. There was no mystery among top officials, Imam Mohammed’s personal family members, and many in his following who were interested and inclined to read the signs. The leaders discussed it openly and in secret -some in strong support, but the majority in bitter opposition.

That bitterly-opposed majority, continuing in its defiance to Imam Mohammed, put into motion a campaign of innuendo and rumor against me as early as 1992 that has evolved in sophistication without cessation until this moment. In addition to the workings of a particularly complex network of rumor-mill engineers, over the years this ‘order’s’ methods have included intimidation of Muslim individuals, non-Muslim leaders, and masjid administrations, and also collusion with rogue US government representatives. Not unlike the corrupted brothers of Joseph in the Qur’an story, this ‘illegitimate body’ hatched and enacted an ongoing artifice of lies, bent on defiance to Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s leadership, promoting confusion about the question of continuation of his leadership after his passing, with the aim of burdening and ultimately destroying the spirit of his following to shoulder the responsibility of Islamic community.


Photo by Stephen J Carrera/AP/Shutterstock (7095055a)—Imam W. Deen Mohammed, right, and Imam Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed, left, talk after a meeting of the American Society of Muslims, in Chicago where it was announced that Imam W. Deen Mohammed resigned as leader of the ASM.


Separation from the Illegitimate Order

On September 24, 2023 in a public speech I reiterated my separation from the influence and authority of this ‘illegitimate order.’ I had reason to reiterate that separation after I learned that they were acting through a proxy mosque administration in Mobile, Alabama that had previously committed to host that address. Owing to deliberate pressure from leading members of that ‘order’, that mosque’s leadership rescinded their word in commitment to host that address a few days before it was scheduled. There is no doubt that they were intimidated by the threat of isolation if they hosted me.

Imam Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed’s September 24, 2023 address.

The ruling ‘illegitimate order’ anticipated that my address would be to discuss why our People should be strong in identifying their true interests and putting on notice illegitimate leadership, and they did not want the people to hear from me on that subject directly, delivered from a mosque in our association. It is known to me that nearly all mosque administrations have since been ‘warned’ not to invite or accept me for threat of isolation and expulsion from the favor and endorsement of this ‘illegitimate order.’ This is an example of their oppressive methods.

The Believers that support that masjid were not fairly informed, nor had any opportunity to be heard on the subject of whether Imam Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed should be welcomed to deliver that address. The Imam of the masjid, who I want to believe is an honorable person, was likely coerced to accept the ‘decision’ of the ‘illegitimate order’. And the opportunity he requested to ask direct and honest questions that he would have received direct and honest answers to is lost to the confusion intended by the deceptions and bullish tactics of this ‘order.’

(The ‘illegitimate order’ describes this occurrence in Mobile, AL in their letter about me as a “public humiliation.” In actuality, their analysis of it as such is a public admission and legal evidence that they have a deliberate scheme in place to “humiliate.” I expect that once my response to them is read widely much of what they have said will be erased or deleted from public view for fear of the force of legal remedies and damages against them. Libel and slander laws are very specific to address the ‘intent to defame.’ In this instance the intent to ‘publicly humiliate’ is established.)

I was informed by persons in my office of the Orlando Conference. The question of whether I would attend was asked of me and I consulted with a significant number of our supporters from throughout the country -every section, as to their opinions of whether we should attend. I had no desire or expectation to address the participants at the Conference. I understood the invitation to be perfectly general. I knew that my potential attendance could be misunderstood so I thought I should answer that general invitation with a public explanation for why I thought I should attend.

I responded to the invitation to the Orlando meeting in the spirit of obligation to those I represent, as a function of my role as a helper to Imam Mohammed and as a leader in continuation of his aims and work in this time, and to meet again fellow Believers I knew were innocent and distant from the aims of the illegitimate order. My answer to the invitation received a great deal of attention and I surmise that it created pressure on the ‘Conveners’ to respond. The response that came to us as a notice to me and the public came from the ‘illegitimate order’ side of that body.

Attacking the Leadership Principle

That notice informed me and all who read it of the specific category of denial created for me by the ‘illegitimate order.’ It implied that anyone and everyone is invited to attend the meeting except Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed. This implies that my voice and those I represent are the only ones that should not be heard. The most distant immigrant Muslim with no understanding of our community’s life or history and having no introduction to us would have a more respected place in this gathering than life-long supporters of Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s leadership.

Imam Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed answers question on ideological support for Succession of Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s Leadership.

This notice follows directly in the spirit and tactics of another unprecedented 13 page document that appeared in the Muslim Journal several years ago. The only difference is that this most recent notice has in its sights a new audience -an audience that is obviously watching and listening carefully to the public presentations of who could be a legitimate successor to Imam W. Deen Mohammed.

By denying my participation and re-directing that audiences’ attention to my purported ‘sins and crimes’, this body’s command and authority would be achieved -at least in their view of success. Both the notice and document have as its central objective to weaken Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s People by attacking our community’s leadership principle.

The notice and document purport to be a true report. However, it is in actuality a sordid collection of half-truths intended to confuse. It is full of slander, false and wholly unsubstantiated accusations, bold lies, and deliberate distortions. There is no plain, straight line of truth to be found anywhere in it. There is nowhere I could begin or conclude to clarify what is being presented as truth because the entire document is false. In other words from beginning to end the document is a single, egregious deception -a proverbial and total ‘pack of lies.’

It is important to note that a few of the document’s actual signers protested to the Muslim Journal that their names were attached to it without their knowledge or authorization. Not surprisingly, the Muslim Journal -in its immoral complicity and support of the ‘illegitimate order’, ignored those protests, officially sanctioning and supporting the deception.

Our Obligation to Benjamin

I realize that many who read these words couldn’t care less about the truth, or what I say. That is because they belong to the same order. They never distinguished themselves from that order because they are a part of it. They have always been the backbiters and trouble makers and doubt casters against Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s thinking in every masjid. They were never with him. They only pretended to be.

But there is a smaller group that did separate. To those decent and truthful ones who are in every masjid associated with Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s name, what I am saying here matters a great deal. They are to me like Benjamin to Joseph -worth identifying with and fighting for. I want them to know that we are extending our hand to them. It is to them that I want to point out the lasting proof of the existence of a deceptive scheme on the part of an ‘illegitimate order.’ The evidence of it is in their use of my name. The name this illegitimate order lists as my name -the name they use to address me, is an open, unmitigated and intentional distortion.


The Hill Family in 1976. Right to left; Earl, Constance (his mother), Veronica (his sister), and Ron (his father).


My Name is Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed

For all human communities identity means everything. It is G-d that gives us original human identity, nature-supported Muslim identity, and then conscious Muslim identity. Oppressors, colonizers, and enslavers justified their owning of African souls by the control of identity. To take the name of an individual out of their control is to reshape their sense of themselves and their worth, and to influence the way they are accepted in the societies in which they live. This practice is a central prong in the brutal scheme of psychological slave making.

Imam Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed pictured in 1982 at age 17.

No movement in the history of the African-American soul to free us for G-d’s Purpose was more successful in addressing this scheme than the new identity strategy and work of Mr. W.F. Muhammad and his obedient student the Honorable Elijah Mohammed. Signaled first by an appeal to our minds that slave names were not truthful -they were diabolical lies and distortions, the Holy Temples of Islam promised each of its members a name returned to them that was taken away by slavery. The new name was understood to be Holy and from G-d, Himself. To tamper with something so sacred, and in public view, is an act of conscious immorality. It is the weapon of a Deceiver -an oppressor of the worst sort.

For the record my name is Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed. That has been my name for 43 years. My parents changed it from Earl Hill when I was 15 years old. I was educated in that name. I was married in that name. I was the National Representative of Imam W. Deen Mohammed in that name. I was never dismissed from Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s following in that or any other name, and I had meaningful and direct contact with him until his death in that name. I was convicted in the US federal courts for mail fraud in that name and served a prison term of 7 years in the US Federal Bureau of Prisons in that name.

Imam Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed answers a question relating to his imprisonment.

Upon release from that unjust conviction and period of imprisonment I was asked by the US Department of Justice if I wanted my passport returned to me. I answered “yes” and the same US prosecutor that argued against me argued for me to have my passport returned. My attorney remarked to me that he had never in all of his years of practice in the US Federal courts seen that before. He said that for a sentence of that length they destroy the passport. In my case, they stored it in a safe at the State Department. When the passport was given to me it came with this message “Mr. Mohammed, we apologize to you. You should not have served one day in prison.” When I opened the passport it said “Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed.” While imprisoned I refused to answer to “inmate”. That inclination landed me in some trouble but quickly earned respect. Eventually, the prison administration and officials referred to me as “Mr. Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed”.

I have written books and articles representing Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s way in the name Earl Abdulmalik Mohammed. I have given hundreds of public speeches searchable and in public view over 30 years in that name. My entire life is documented for all to see in that name. Even now, a ‘small band’ (but not as small as some would prefer) of Believers stand with me in in the role Imam W. Deen Mohammed designated for me both privately and publicly, in that name.

To refer to me as any other name so as to insult or diminish or humiliate, is in reality the act of a party whose ultimate aim is to deceive. What, if anything more, can be expected from such a group except more deception?

‘Law of the Jungle’ Mentality can be Defeated

In concluding this response I would like to point out that in my opinion the body of leaders referring to themselves as ‘Conveners of Imams in the W. Deen Mohammed Community’ has been overcome by a majority-gang of illegitimate wild-men. I refer to them as wild-men because their tactics are of a jungle, uncivilized-gangland mentality. They are organized by ‘jungle laws’ of predator-prey objectives. This majority and their supporters trample innocence and operate far astray of the limits of Islamic decency. We can find nothing displayed of what Islam asks of human beings in them. They are highly skilled deceivers. We cannot calculate when or how they can be reached by the appeal of the good. An informed reading of what Islam teaches on slander makes very clear that this majority prefers the Fire of punishment and its inhabitants as their desired home and welcome companions.

I have strong reason to believe that a minority in that group is aware and responsive to Allah’s Guidance. Allah says that He preserves the good in spite of the scum. They do not identify with the devilish majority and their wisdom allows them a hidden space from which to see. They have Islam in their hearts and they embrace its morality of the highest standards of excellence and goodness. They remember Allah often, and they remember their late leader and they recognize and follow his way. These men have a conscience moved to tears when they read the attacks upon me. I am with them.

I pray that Allah remove the burden upon this Community. We want it to be what Allah wants it to be. And we ask that He not permit us to act except in obedience to Him.